We believe that men are better when they connect, their relationships improve as a whole, and more importantly improves their intimate relationship with themself. It is up to us to take those steps to learn, grow and evolve to be better: husbands, fathers, brothers, leaders, and humans for life.
We believe that while the many benefits of modern-day society are not to be taken for granted, therein lies many issues and problems men are faced with. The undeniable data shows us: 70 - 80% of people suffering from, exhaustion, anxiety, isolation, depression and suicide… are men. The writings on the wall. Men are suffering now more than ever before, silently calling out for help, guidance and connection.
We believe that collectively we have the will, the power and the necessary know-how to rise to the challenges men face, right now, in the present moment. The issues are many but the steps are tangible: find out who you are, invest in your relationship, have better sex, master your health, connect to other men doing the work, on and on. Societal change means dedication to nonlocal shifts, as much as individual transformation.
We believe global, digital communities are what’s necessary to bring about change. At Better Men For Life, we help expert instructors share their knowledge with the widest possible audience and then empower men to apply their knowledge, Making good men, even better.